Monthly Archives: May 2017

Is Massage Therapy the Career for You?

admvegas May 25, 2017
Is Massage Therapy the Career for You? If you are considering training for a career in massage therapy but aren’t sure if it’s the right move for you, there are things you can do to help inform this important life decision. Massage therapy helps millions of people cope with physical ailments, sore muscles, and emotional...

Massage Therapy: Treatment for What Ails You

admvegas May 4, 2017
Massage Therapy: Treatment for What Ails You Massage therapy melts away stress and tension, relieving associated headaches and muscular aches and pains. By encouraging the body’s own healing processes to act, massage therapy aids in the healing process from injury or over-use and reduces injury healing time. Massage therapy is an excellent form of preventive...
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