Category Archives: Las Vegas Campus

Home Archive by category "Las Vegas Campus"


Choosing the Right Massage Therapy School

Choosing the Right Massage Therapy School With the growth of massage therapy comes an even greater growth in the number of massage schools. Schools that specialize in other subjects have found that it’s easy to add a massage therapy program to capitalize on this growing demand. However, all massage schools are not the same. Where...

Massage in a Hospital Setting

Massage in a Hospital Setting As more medical institutions and patients learn about the health benefit of massage and complementary and alternative medicine, opportunities for licensed massage therapists in hospital settings increase. A large number of consumers and health care providers are using massage therapy and bodywork for pain management and for other important health...

Hydration and Massage: What’s the Truth?

Hydration and Massage: What’s the Truth? If you’ve ever gotten a massage, whether at a spa, a sports medicine facility, or a kiosk at the airport, chances are that you were instructed to drink a lot of water over the next few days. Most people feel this is what they need to be doing, but...

Is Massage Therapy the Career for You?

Is Massage Therapy the Career for You? If you are considering training for a career in massage therapy but aren’t sure if it’s the right move for you, there are things you can do to help inform this important life decision. Massage therapy helps millions of people cope with physical ailments, sore muscles, and emotional...

Massage Therapy: Treatment for What Ails You

Massage Therapy: Treatment for What Ails You Massage therapy melts away stress and tension, relieving associated headaches and muscular aches and pains. By encouraging the body’s own healing processes to act, massage therapy aids in the healing process from injury or over-use and reduces injury healing time. Massage therapy is an excellent form of preventive...

Going Back to School Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Going Back to School Doesn’t Have to be Scary The thought of heading to school as an adult – either after you’ve been away for a few years or if you never got around to going in the first place – is nerve-racking, to say the least. However, making this decision doesn’t have to be...

What to Expect at a Massage Appointment

What to Expect at a Massage Appointment Welcome! You’re here at European Massage Therapy School, and you’ve made your first appointment for our student clinic today. Now what? One way you can ensure a better experience for yourself and the student therapist is communication. During the massage you are encouraged to give feedback to your...

Unknown Benefits of Massage

Unknown Benefits of Massage If you’ve ever had a massage, you’re familiar with that delicious limp-noodle feeling afterward. It’s relaxing and feels so luxurious. However, there are many reasons to get a massage other than pampering. Massage is rapidly becoming more and more accepted as helping with a number of health issues. Here are a...