Give Credit to Accreditation

Accredited Massage School in Chicago

Give Credit to Accreditation

Accreditation is an incredibly important facet of your education. However, many people do not understand even the basics of the accreditation process. Before choosing a school, it is important that you have a clear picture of exactly who accredits the school and what that accreditation means for your future.

Most define accreditation as a status which shows the public that a school has met and is maintaining a high level of standards set by an accrediting agency. However, the accreditation process can be confusing to many. Who are the accreditation agencies? What is the difference between accreditation agencies and types of accreditation?

Accreditation agencies look for different attributes depending on the type of school and most specialize it certain kinds of learning institutions. However, all schools are subject to some overarching principles of accreditation that span fields and form the foundation for the process. For instance, all accrediting institutions hold that schools must have a clearly defined mission that aims to better educate and serve the students. Further, all schools must demonstrate that the school has the resources to achieve its mission while showing evidence of the mission being achieved. Additionally, almost all institutions must commit to periodic and unannounced external reviews as well as a rigorous internal review programs to ensure that accreditation standards are continually being met.

When choosing a school, make sure that your school is accredited by a reputable agency. The U.S. government does not regulate accreditation and instead appoints other bodies to do the job. The U.S. Secretary of Education recognizes the agencies believed to be reliable authorities on accreditation and lists these agencies on the US Department of Education’s website. Making sure the agency your school is accredited by is on this list is the easiest way to ensure the accreditation is legitimate.

It may seem like accreditation has no importance to you as a student, but that could not be further from the truth. When you graduate and look for a job, employers take into consideration the school you attended and if it is accredited by a reliable agency. If your degree is from an institution that has questionable accreditation, employers will question the validity of your degree and your potential as a good job candidate. Also, if you plan on transferring to another institution at any time in your academic career, no school will take transfer credits from an unaccredited university.

Attending an unaccredited program can mean that you will not be eligible for federal financial aid, you will not be able to transfer credits to another school, and you may not be able to obtain appropriate professional licensure in your field. Accreditation can make the difference between embarking on an exciting career path or being saddled with debt and worthless credits.

European Massage Therapy School is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) and is therefore held to higher standards of education providing a comprehensive massage therapy curriculum including training from industry-leading instructors. Our school adheres to strict educational and operational requirements to ensure the success of all of our students. It is also key that European Massage Therapy School students can receive Federal Financial Assistance in the form of grants and loans (available to those who qualify) because of our accreditation.

A diploma is a fantastic asset in today’s job market. In order to reap the benefits of your education, make sure you get it from an accredited institution like European Massage School.